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How motor companies improve production efficiency

author:xiaoE date:2021-07-11 12: 17

  XNUMX. Factors affecting production efficiency

  1. The sales department missed an order

  2. The order has only the delivery date, and the processing start date is not set

  3. There are too many urgent or temporary orders and frequent production plan changes

  4. Machine and mold failure in production workshop, long maintenance time

  5. The quality of the production process is unstable, and rework or repair occurs frequently

  6. The production department did not conduct a complete capacity analysis

  7. Purchasing materials are often delayed and the quality of purchases is often poor

  8. The purchase material plan and the production plan cannot be coordinated and synchronized

  9. No outsourcing processing schedule

  10. Frequent changes in product technology

  ......and many more

  XNUMX. According to the above factors, the summary plan is as follows

  1. The basic skills that a sound production and operation system should have to stabilize the position and ensure efficiency

  If the roots are not solid, how can they sprout, bloom and bear fruit; good trees come from healthy roots.

  It is to understand the basic management of production and operation management, use 5S methods, and combine production and operation process optimization to find a solution.

  2. Know yourself and the enemy, clear goals, and improve efficiency

  It is better to ask yourself and help yourself.

  The so-called waste at the production site is a variety of factors that reduce production efficiency.

  Through the action plan, on-site diagnosis, using the seven wastes to establish the true cause of the efficiency loss of production and operation management.

  The seven major wastes are mainly: 1. Waste of waiting, 2. Waste of handling, 3. Bad waste, 4. Waste of action, 5. Waste of processing itself, 6. Waste of inventory, 7. Waste of excessive production .

  3. How to use on-site rapid improvement techniques for source management and improve efficiency

  Efficiency is life, time is money.In the fierce market competition, if an enterprise wants to remain invincible, the key lies in "fast" and "new". If there is speed, then fast, and if there is power, then new.It is found that there are methods and processes to improve production efficiency and quickly improve, and the problems are quickly tracked.

  4. Let the plan be fully demonstrated, reduce planned losses and improve efficiency

  The planning process is actually a process of emancipating the mind, seeking truth from facts, and a process of reform and innovation. Only by fully demonstrating the possible situations can they be prevented.

  5. Use a reasonable procurement mechanism to ensure the awareness of coexistence and common prosperity of both parties to improve production efficiency

  The modern win-win model is based on: assisting suppliers, helping them reduce costs, improve quality, and accelerate product development; establish mutual trust relationships, jointly improve efficiency, and establish long-term partnerships with suppliers.

  6. How to control materials and production schedules to show fast and new, avoid waiting for waste and improve efficiency

  After receiving the order, the Department of Health Management must mobilize all personnel to complete the planned plan.Do not change the plan, all relevant departments take the initiative and actively cooperate, take the initiative to respond to the work progress with other units, and jointly complete all the plans.

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