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How do high-efficiency energy-saving motors save energy?

author:xiaoE date:2021-06-25 18: 02

  High-efficiency and energy-saving motors are more and more widely used, so how do you save energy? Wanbang will tell you how to save energy with high-efficiency and energy-saving motors:

  1. The way to realize energy saving from the motor system. According to the efficiency curve characteristics of the motor, the efficiency of the motor is high when the load is between 60% and 80%, and the operation is economical.However, in practical applications, the load rate of most motors is often below 60% (the efficiency of the motor drive system in my country is lower, only 30% to 40%). The phenomenon of "big horse-drawn carts" is very common, and electrical energy waste is as high as 30%. , And long-term low-load operation is likely to cause damage to the motor.

  Energy-saving motor systems usually adopt the mechanical transmission deceleration part of the new-type motor optimization system, and realize the energy saving of the entire motor drive system by reducing the loss of mechanical energy.Compared with the energy-saving effect of about 3% of high-efficiency energy-saving motors, the effect of energy-saving motor systems is more obvious, usually 20%-50% or more.

  2. Adopt new motor design, new technology and new materials to improve the output efficiency by reducing the loss of electromagnetic energy, thermal energy and mechanical energy.The average efficiency of high-efficiency and energy-saving motors is 90.5%, which is approximately 87.3% higher than the 3% of traditional Y-series motors, which is equivalent to the level of high-efficiency motors in developed countries.

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