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The difference between high-efficiency and energy-saving motors and ordinary motors

author:xiaoE date:2021-06-24 11: 54

  In a society with energy shortages, high-efficiency and energy-saving motors are widely used, so what is the difference between high-efficiency and energy-saving motors and ordinary motors?

  (1) The output power of ordinary motors is less than that of energy-saving motors.The output power of ordinary motors is only 50% of the input power, while energy-saving motors can reach more than 90%.

  (2) Power supply problem--Ordinary motors will use electricity as long as they are turned on, while energy-saving motors do not need electricity when the power is turned on.High-efficiency and energy-saving motors not only save energy, but also save yourself money.

  The performance characteristics of high-efficiency and energy-saving motors are as follows:

  1. Fully base on domestic raw materials.

  2. Use a low-uncertainty test method and use actual measurement results to calibrate efficiency.


  4. Adopt an improved ventilation system and use a high-efficiency energy-saving fan to rationally design the air gap and magnetic density distribution of the energy-saving motor, so that the motor efficiency index can reach the level 18613 energy efficiency standard in GB2012-2.

  Wanbang energy-saving motors have outstanding features:

  1. High efficiency and energy saving, reducing operating costs, allowing customers to recover their investment costs in a short period of time.

  2. High reliability, stable operation of supporting equipment, low failure rate and lower maintenance cost.

  3. Imported high-grade bearings, exquisite manufacturing technology, one-time use, many years of benefit.

  4. It can be matched with various accessories, and the installation method is suitable for the needs of various occasions.

  5. The product standards we adopt are very cutting-edge, with sufficient margins for insulation and insulation, and structural design that takes into account and satisfies different customers.

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