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Product standards for explosion-proof motors

author:xiaoE date:2020-09-07 10: 04

At present, explosion-proof motors are more and more widely used in industrial equipment. Explosion-proof motors are a kind of motors that can be used in flammable and explosive places without electric sparks.MotorAn electromagnetic device that realizes the conversion or transmission of electric energy according to the law of electromagnetic induction.Frequency conversion speed motorA general term for motors driven by frequency converters.In fact, the motor designed for the frequency converter is a special frequency conversion motor. The motor can achieve different speeds and torques under the drive of the frequency converter to adapt to the changes in the demand of the load.Explosion-proof motorsA type of motor that can be used in flammable and explosive plants, and it does not generate sparks during operation.Explosion-proof motors are mainly used in coal mines, oil and gas, petrochemical and chemical industries.In addition, it is also widely used in sectors such as textiles, metallurgy, city gas, transportation, grain and oil processing, papermaking, and medicine.With the popularity of explosion-proof motors, the national product standards for explosion-proof motors are becoming more and more stringent.So, what are the product standards for explosion-proof motors?

The standards for explosion-proof motors are supervised by national development and quality. The General Administration of Inspection and Quarantine and the China National Economic and National Safety Standardization Production Management Committee jointly issued the "Small and Medium-sized Three-phase Asynchronous Motor Energy Efficiency Limits and Energy Efficiency Ratings", which is in the social industry of anti-riot motors. The basic series of explosion-proof motors must comply with this standard:

1、防爆电机技术行业发展必须同时坚决贯彻落实执行《中小型三相异步电动机能效限定值及能效等级》防爆电机作为标准,可以根据我国经济实现节能减排目标,为保护生态环境做出了一个很大的贡献,防爆电气工程产品安全生产经营许可证也会按照防爆电机通过行业新标准发证;2、虽然我们国家建设标准GB18613-2012中的能效值与以前版相比有了一定的提高,但是由于我国社会目前在这个教育行业应用推广的YB3系列隔爆型三相异步电动机各规格均 满足GB18613-2012中的3级能效限定值,且部分不同规格信息可以没有达到新标准2级目标能效限定值。3、请YB3系列电机实际生产制造企业不断加快农业生产和市场营销推广传播速度,届时国家防爆电气机械产品服务质量问题监督作用检验数据中心和防爆电气自动化产品内容生产许可证审查部等相关政府部门之间将会协助中小企业应该做好此项业务工作。4、自2012年9月1日起,各生产过程中企业或进口商对出厂或进口的中小型三相异步电动机,要依据自己国家课程标准GB 18613-2012《中小型三相异步电动机能效限定值及能效等级》加施能效标识。中国建立标准化研究院能效标示管理活动中心也是目前学生已经逐渐开始学习接受严格按照新标准进行的备 案,我公司文化已经备案。新备案的分段和之前都是一样,但试验教学方法由原来的杂耗按照0.5%计算的方法修改为按GB/T 1032中的B法-测量结果输入-输出信号功率的损耗分析法。对于他们之前人们已经按2006版标准备案过的型号选择需要教师进行政策变更备案,变更备案1段需提供1份测试报。5、防爆电机产生购买时要看生产方式是否配有防爆证。防爆电机模块主要包括用于煤矿、石油天然气、石油大学化工和化学基础工业。防爆电机的额定电压、额定电流、功率、转速 和普通电机标注的一样,就是防爆电机多了防爆。6、标志:Ex 一、防爆型式+设备资源类别+气体组别+温度组别防爆型式。

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